
Research & Development examples

1992 Developed servo feeder and servo shear mechanisms.
1996 Developed hydraulic press machine for forming glass bulb for picture tube.
1997 Developed hydraulic press machine for glass hard disk.
2004 Developed mass production system of glass mold forming (rotary table type) as part of Hyogo Prefectural Government plan to support creation of new industries through industry-academia partnerships.
2006 Adopted for Amagasaki City’s joint R&D assistance system for SMEs and developed forming machine for plate glass used in LCD displays and backlights.
2006 Adopted for the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry's Support Initiative for Enhancing Strategic Core Technologies and conducted joint research into enhancing reliability assurance technology for optical glass element molds.
2010 Developed precision glass optical element molding system (mold forming machine) and glass materials testing machine.
2013 Adopted as a grantee of the subsidy for skillful small and medium-sized enterprises for the purpose of trial development by the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency and developed forming system for curved glass for smartphones
2015 Adopted by the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency as a grantee of the subsidy for innovation in manufacturing, commerce and service and developed special coating system for cover glass of wearable devices
2016 Adopted for Amagasaki City’s new technology & product creation assistance system for SMEs and developed mold for curved glass.
2016 Adopted by the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency as a grantee of the subsidy for the new development in manufacturing, commerce and service and developed manufacturing system of head up display (HUD).
2018 Conducts verification for practical use of ceramic type curved surface forming for large display.
2018 Adopted by the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency as a grantee of the subsidy for management capability enhancement in manufacturing, commerce and service and developed forming system for car-mounted large display for automated driving.
2019 Developed forming technology for deep four sided curved-surface cover glass for smartphone.
2021 Adopted by the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency as a grantee of the subsidy for productivity improvement in manufacturing, commerce and service and developed new reheat forming system for various glass product.
2024 Adopted by the Small and Medium Enterprise Agency as a grantee of the subsidy for business restructuring. Developed precision glass optical element molding system (mold forming machine) and advances into glass lens processing field.